Choosing the right Customer Success software is a sure way of supporting your Customer Success team’s move from a highly reactive mode into being more proactive. The question is: How would you deliberately set out to select the appropriate Customer Success platform that suits your needs?
A well-written request for proposal (RFP) is essential for selecting the right customer success software. By properly laying out your organization’s needs in an RFP, you will gauge how well each software provider understands your projects. But what does it take to create an effective Request for Proposal?
Gemma Cipriani-Espineira, VP for Customer Success at Chili Piper shares an RFP template for a Customer Success platform. This template is based on her expert insights and experience in selecting a customer success software. In this RFP template, Gemma shares the important criteria to include in a Request for Proposal and the teams involved in the customer success software selection.
Download this RFP template now to start leveraging the best customer success software for your organization.
Gemma believes that customer success is a way of doing business and is the fastest path to sustainable growth for software companies. Learn more from Gemma as she shares and demonstrates how her team went through the process of writing an RFP for Customer Success Software, watch this video now.
Need help in optimizing your Customer Success strategy? Reach out to CSM Practice now!
RFP Template: Request for Proposal for CS software
Get expert insights and experience in choosing a customer success software, watch this video!
Overcoming Technology ADOPTION Challenges
Learn what an effective Technology Adoption Strategy really entails, and discover what questions an organization should be asking itself when usage begins to drop off.
Customer Success Platform RFP Template
Choosing the right Customer Success software is a sure way of supporting your CS team’s move from a highly reactive mode into being more proactive. The question is: How would you deliberately set out to select the right Customer Success platform that suits your needs?
A well-written request for proposal (RFP) is essential for selecting the right customer success software. By properly laying out your organization’s needs in an RFP, you will gauge how well each software provider understands your projects. But what does it take to create an effective Request for Proposal?
Gemma Cipriani-Espineira, VP for Customer Success at Chili Piper shares an RFP template for a Customer Success platform. This template is based on her expert insights and experience in choosing a customer success software. In this RFP template, Gemma shares the important criteria to include in a Request for Proposal and the teams involved in the customer success software selection. Download this RFP template now to start leveraging the best customer success software for your organization.
Gemma believes that customer success is a way of doing business and is the fastest path to sustainable growth for software companies. Learn more from Gemma as she shares and demonstrates how her team went through the process of writing an RFP for Customer Success Software, watch this video now.
Need help in optimizing your Customer Success strategy? Reach outto CSM Practice now!
RFP Template: Request for Proposal for CS software
Get expert insights and experience in choosing a customer success software, watch this video!
Overcoming Technology ADOPTION Challenges
Learn what an effective Technology Adoption Strategy really entails, and discover what questions an organization should be asking itself when usage begins to drop off.